JACKSON - West Tennessee Healthcare is pleased to announce that Kevin Deaton is taking on a new role as Director of Medical Center EMS. Medical Center EMS has most recently added services in Dyersburg and now operates in five counties in West Tennessee. Kevin will provide leadership, support and assistance to the EMS department and will report to Joyce Noles, the Executive Director of EMS.
Kevin began his career with West Tennessee Healthcare in 1994 as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher and an EMT and in 1996 became licensed as a Paramedic. After completing his Associate Degree in Applied Science he also completed the EMS Shift Manager Training Program. In 2004, Kevin accepted the EMS Compliance Coordinator position where he was responsible for ensuring that Medicare transports met medical necessity. Kevin continues to expand his responsibilities and works closely with the IT components and processes for the EMS department. In 2011, Kevin obtained a Registered Nursing license and also completed his Bachelors in IT Administration in 2016.